Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Newness All Around

I can see the leaves beginning to change color.  I can smell a crispness in the air and I most definitely can feel the slow decline of the temperature.  Fall is on its way.  I have always loved the way this particular change of season wakes up my senses.  I feel so alive and so ready to tackle the world!  This year has been just a tad different.  Something seems to be holding me back.  I have felt so melancholy since the busyness of life has resumed.  I have thought about it daily; wondering what's going on... why can't I get myself together?  Sure I can speculate.  Truly, it could be a million different things.  I just experienced my very last "first" first day of preschool with the little girls.  I am home alone 3 mornings a week for the first time in ages.  Since school and sports are in full gear I have a tremendous amount of scheduling on top of scheduling that needs to be done.  My children, mainly Victoria and Ethan, are developing interests of their own.  Although they still like to share their lives with me, it's not "Mommy, mommy, mommy" anymore.  I suppose...we're all doing a little growing up in this house.  However, I seem to be the only one experiencing growing pains.  Some of these feelings are very familiar to me, but some are completely foreign!  The newness of everything is almost enough to take my breath away.  My one constant throughout these ever-changing variables of life is, my God.  I am enjoying my quiet time with Him, as He is showing me all sorts of things through our time together.  The most pressing thing right now are the seasons in my life.
There is a time for everything,
   and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Sure, right now I feel a little uneasy with all the newness that is surrounding me; a little unsteady as to which way His path is leading.  But one thing I know without question...just as these seasons of life will change without warning, everything is made beautiful in His time(3:11).  And that, is where I will find my comfort.


1 comment:

  1. oh, I hope it gets easier adjusting. Although, I am confident it will as you keep seeking the Lord and finding the peacefulness with Him a blessing.



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