Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Table For Two

Marriage comes with many different things…anticipation, appreciation, adoration and so many more.  I still anticipate Mike's return from work every day.  I appreciate the love he puts into our family.  I adore the husband and father he's become.  One may think, as I suspected early on, that marriage would change the longer a couple is together.  All I can do to answer that is to tell you what I've discovered in my own life. 

Mike and I shared a very important milestone this weekend.  We celebrated our 10 year anniversary.  A decade of being with each other…drying each others tears, celebrating with each others triumphs and encouraging each other along the way.  Saturday night, as we sat down at a table for two, we reflected on the history of our relationship.  We thought about how so many times the odds were stacked against us and how so many times we stuck together and made it through.  We talked about the celebration of new lives, new jobs, new friends and new experiences.  We talked about how we've developed as both a couple and as individuals.  More than anything else, we talked about how right now we are in the prime of lives.  These are some of the moments we will look back on one day and smile.  Smile that we made it through and smile at the ever-growing love we've shared. 

What I've discovered is that marriage does in fact change over the years.  The love that I felt when we first said our "I do's" is nothing compared to the love I feel now.  With each passing year, my love for him has grown deeper and deeper.  I can not imagine 

how much better this is going to get. 


  1. Beautiful. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Those are beautiful sentiments Ash. I'm hoping I feel the same way when we reach our 10 yr anniversary! Very encouraging to read your post:-) Love you & Happy Anniversary:-), Tiff



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