...and progress she has! Victoria joined the band this year, being completely unsure as to whether this is something she wanted to stick with or not. She originally wanted to play the oboe (it's like a giant clarinet thing), but was quickly encouraged/told she needed to change her mind. That dog-gone instrument was going to be $55 a month! Crazy, crazy, crazy...especially for something we were just "trying out." Anyhow, she decided the next best thing would be the clarinet. I thought that was a perfect choice, especially since I played in middle school (sheepish grin). As it turns out, my parents still had my instrument. After a couple of days in the mail, Victoria was holding her very own, very paid for, clarinet. She was so excited to get started. It was pretty great being able to work together and teach her some of the basic fundamentals of playing an woodwind. I have to admit I felt pride in that I remembered how to play a little.
Thursday night was her very first band concert! It was a tad stressful getting everyone everywhere...on time! But we managed! We were all 5 (Ethan was at football) seated, occupying almost an entire bleacher, anxiously awaiting her tunes! She was almost giddy as she walked onto the stage to set up.
Thankfully, she could see me and see that I was photographing her every move. Remember...if you don't have pictures, that means it didn't happen ; )
Time to get down to business.
Yes, I made her put it in slowly so I could get a picture!
I am so proud of the well-rounded young lady she has become. I love how she is not afraid to try new things and how she takes on each new challenge as if it's a new adventure.
I just love her so.