Showing posts with label Victoria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Year To Remember

It probably comes as no surprise to anyone, but 2020 will undoubtedly go down in history as the strangest year of our lives.  Everything from the toilet paper shortage to the 24-hour quarantine, things have just been different.  I must confess though; it has been a blessing.  From the insane scheduling of gymnastics, karate, football, mine and Mike’s work schedule, and school in general, things had steadily become out of control.  However, after everything shut down, we were forced to slow down and take a breath.  Before this, I could not tell you the last time we put a puzzle together, had a 3-hour Monopoly battle or had a Bob Ross painting night.  Workouts became more creative.  Walking the dogs became a daily thing.  We colored with chalk, dyed our hair, played dozens of board games, and had outdoor movie nights.  I was gifted with more lengthy conversations with my big kids than I can count.  For that, I am thankful.

Victoria is flying through her junior year at William and Mary.  She is currently virtual learning from the comforts of home.  Although that was a difficult decision for her, saving money on dorm costs was a no-brainer.  Victoria has chosen not to work while she’s in school as she is fully dedicated to her academics and us!  Our girl is one of the most thoughtful and determined young women that I know.  When she puts her mind to something, she is sure to achieve it!   

Ethan is currently in his freshman year at the Naval Academy in Maryland; he has become quite the expert in push-ups, late night study sessions, and grinding through the sometimes-never-ending days of plebe life.  Just like the rest of the world, things are looking different for him.  All academics are taken online which makes things more challenging as these classes were never intended to be taken virtually.  However, even with the all the demands, he still manages to check in often.  We’re so thankful to have him home for the holidays!

Christian is in his sophomore year in high school and has become quite the beast in the gym, at school, and on the football field.  He was the starting defensive tackle on the JV team, which came with a lot of grind on and off the field.  One of the most exciting parts of his year happened when the DMV opened back up and he was able to get his permit.  Watch out everyone!!!  This guy’s managed to keep an A average all while balancing his many roles within the family.  He is one of the funniest, most dedicated, and hardworking teenage boys I’ve ever seen.  Love this kid.

Addie has made the jump to middle school life.
  We were a little nervous about transitioning to middle school, but man, she’s crushing it!  She studies everyday and is making tons of new friends.  She decided to try something new this year and is now in karate!  Anyone who knows our girl knows that this is right up her alley.  She recently tested and is now proudly wearing a yellow belt.  This gal continues to be the crafting queen of the family.  Every week I am gifted with a new creation…I’m loving every one of them.  My sweet girl is one of the most thoughtful, caring, and determined 
12-year-olds ever!

Kaitlyn’s year has been one filled with broken bones.  Mother of the year encouraged her to push through thinking she was just sore from her many hours at gymnastics.  It wasn’t until she came home crying that I decided to get it checked out.  Yep…broken in two places.  Having a cast was initially fun until she realized how inconvenient it was.  Shortly thereafter, my girl slammed her hand in the door leaving her without a fingernail and a broken finger.  Needless to say, we’ve had quite an adventure with that little one.  Kaitlyn is not only killing it at the gym, she’s flying through sixth grade with ease.  The transition was a little more difficult, but she’s great at adapting.  She continues to be one of the sweetest, most tenderhearted, and hardworking kiddos ever!

Mike was promoted from Squadron Commander to Deputy Group Commander of the 116th Operations Group.  This means more meetings, more responsibilities, but no more deployments.  In recent weeks, we have learned that Mike was selected for a broadening opportunity to work at Headquarters Air Force in Washington, DC.  He will be working on the development and acquisition of future programs.  Although we're excited for the opportunity, it will be an adjustment getting used to being geographically separated for a little while.  Thankfully, Mike will still be flying and will still be affiliated with the State of Georgia, so he will be traveling home quite a bit.

As for me, I am still loving my new position as at Caring Solutions.  Prior to becoming a wife and Mother, I had many jobs that I enjoyed, but I never thought it was possible to have a career that my sole responsibility would be to love the people I serve.  I have the opportunity to connect with those who are facing difficult decisions and am able to guide those who are seeking to improve their situations.  Even better than the patients I meet, I serve alongside of some of the most caring and Godly women I have ever known.  Although the days can be long, the benefits of what I do make every day worth it.

We pray that you all had a very Merry Christmas and are blessed beyond measure in 2021!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Teary Eyes and Emotional Highs

My oldest daughter, Victoria, is now in high school.  I know, I know.  I've said it a million times.  Have I said how awesome she is lately?  Hmmm, not sure I have TODAY.  Let's take it back a couple of years.

My girl has always been an overachiever.  She excels academically and has an exceptional musical gift.     In middle school she was the leader for reading the most books and because of that she was a super-star for their competing book club.  She was on the academic team for 2 years.  Only 10 students are chosen from the entire school.  She played in the jazz band and competed in several competitions...all of which she came out on top.  Am I a proud Momma?  You bet I am.

Moving to high school, I knew she would face a number of challenges, with everything being new.  I am happy to say, she didn't miss a beat.  She enrolled for all honors classes and even joined the marching band.  To say I was nervous would be an understatement.  She has quickly risen to the top and is still a leader in our home...despite the workload, the practices, the baby sitting she does for our family, and the helper she is to her friends.  

What has surprised me the most is band.  Watching the kids, actually my kiddo, go from learning the proper form of marching (because yes, there is a right and wrong way to do it) to doing a 7 minute series of movements has been incredible.  I must admit, I wasn't quite sure of marching band in the beginning.  I had never really paid attention to it before.  But, wow!  The whole thing is amazing and seeing our girl be a part of such a large team (227, to be exact) that are
all working together is so neat.

They competed 3 weeks ago for the first time this year.  Their director had said several times, the band has never won their first competition before, but he wanted them to get a feel for being in front of judges.  So what a pleasant surprise it was to get 1st place!  The smiles, cheers, and pictures were standard procedure for the Roy family.  What wasn't so normal were the misty eyes her Dad and me experienced.  Yes, I did in fact get teary.  Perhaps one or two escaped, but who's counting!

My parents watched me cheer and compete all through high school and into college, so I got to see how happy and proud they were of me.  I won't deny it, it felt good.  But the roles have changed.  I am privileged enough to watch my child represent her school and perform in front of tons of people.  It feels so good.  I didn't quite understand the joy in my parents eyes when they watched me, but I definitely get it now.  Being a parent comes with many challenges, but the rewards?
Wow, they make it all worth it. 

Gam and Poppy were even able to make it!

Friday, May 30, 2014

School's Out For Summer

Overall it's been a good school year.  Challenges were presented...accepted, and met.  Many accomplishments were made, and we all came out feeling good about them.  The word that comes to mind when I think back on the 2013-14 school year is "growth".  I think we all did a little growing.  The little girls had to adjust to their new roles as Pre-K students and the different schedules that entailed.  There were some rocky moments as first time obedience does not come naturally.  One of my little ones in particular was going to fight it to the end.  Sweet girl, she has quite the personality.  I can honestly say in total confidence they are ready for kindergarten.  It's going to be interesting, as we are going to split them up next year, but I know it will be the best for them both.


These glasses say it best!
Third grade began with some trepidation on my part.  I worried; I stressed and then I worried some more.  This is an important year; a pivotal one, you could say.  Christian needed to learn HOW to study and what way(s) worked best for him.  He need to learn how to be responsible for his things.  Up until this point, I would pretty much take care of gathering things in the morning and making sure homework was put where it needed to be and lunch was in his book bag.  By the end of the year, this guy had mastered getting his stuff together for the next day, laying out his clothes the night before, all the while bringing home all A's.  My guy is growing up!

This was right before Christian gave a very persuasive speech on why school bathrooms
need to be taken better care of.
"No more dirty words on the wall and for goodness sake, give people their privacy!"

Minute to Win It!

Christian and his best buddies.
Next comes 6th grade.  To date, I would have to say I believe 6th is one of the hardest years yet.  There's so much transition.  The work load is greater, then there's the desire to fit in, and of course with age comes a little more independence/freedom.  There have been more than one occasion where I've felt bad about the struggles.  The Honors schoolwork is much harder than elementary work and the teachers expect you to be able to do it, not just hope that you can.  I remember thinking with Victoria, they were asking too much, but now I understand that the teachers know how much these children, for the most part, can handle.  It's just that adjustment period that's tough.

This boy rocked it!  He brought home all A's yet another year. 
Eighth!  It seemed to me there is so much going on in those 13/14 year old minds at all times.  They want to figure out the how's and why's to everything and then they want to change it all...just because.  Watching Victoria through her middle school years has been something else.  Sometimes I just smile at her listening to her depth; then other times I think my eyes are going to pop right out of my head at the audacity.  She is a fabulous daughter, one of whom I couldn't ask any more of.  She loves the Lord, loves her family, and is following the dreams she has set for herself!  Next year is a biggie, but for now we'll celebrate completing middle school and getting to this point without ever getting anything but an A. 


Victoria competed in a band competition, although the name escapes me, and she brought home a first place in both her solo piece and in her duet performance.

 Miss. Sneaky, sneaky here also tried out for the elite band for the high school and made it!
She didn't want to tell me because 'she wasn't sure how she'd do'.  I am thankful for her humble heart, but goodness, I'm her #1 fan!  Silly girl.
I am confident there are bright skies ahead for my little ducklings, but I am also certain it will take more than just us, Mom and Dad, to see their lives blossom to their full potential.  I am learning that this story of our lives must include like-minded individuals; People who are on the same path of discovering God and who crave that all important relationship with him.  I am so thankful for our church, our Godly friends, and the people we have yet to meet.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Too Cute To Let It Go

We are now heading into May and it is painfully obvious that the wonderful month of February has came and gone without any documentation.  I just can't let the year go by any further without proper posting of the most "lovable" month yet.

The little girls had quite a time!  It began in the beginning of February with a date with Daddy night sponsored by Chick Fil A.  Everyone got ALL fancied up and headed our for dinner and a carriage ride.  I wish I had pictures of them on the carriage.  Mike said their faces were priceless. 

Of course, we had to pull out the curlers!!

 Oh, and the nail polish.
My girl was thrilled about waiting her turn.


Good gracious I'm in love.

This just makes me giggle every time.

Next came Valentine's Day.  I say it after holiday and event, "next year I am going to start early on these."  Yet every year I am up late finishing up or in this case, starting.  Thankfully, I had a partner.  Having a daughter who loves this type of thing as much as I do is priceless. This lovely lady even stayed with me to help me deliver them the next day AND attend Valentine school parties.  Wait, does that make me a bad Mom or a good one?  Well, no matter, because either way my girl and I had such a good time together!
Then came this.  Sniff...sniff.  It was my daughter's last middle school Valentine's Dance and my son's first.  It really just makes my stomach do flips looking at how much they've grown.  Victoria is so beautiful and Ethan so handsome.  I pray their insides continue to match their outside appearance.

These guys have been besties for almost 12 years.
I simply love these kids.

Aaaaand for their next event the little girls, I mean my big girls, attended their Pre-K prom with their Daddy.  It was another opportunity for the three to get all decked out and show their stuff.
Like I said, this was a pretty lovable month for our family!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ripping the band aid off

It's been a day that I've been preparing myself for months for.  So many things to be thankful for and so many blessings to be praising God for.  Yet still, I found myself mourning the changes that were about to take place.  The imminent changes that were just around the corner.  As August 1st drew near I found myself teetering from one end of the vast spectrum to the next.  On one hand I was so excited for my children, all of them, to be turning this page of their lives and getting to experience the thrill of life...of growing up.  Yet on the other hand, I found myself mourning over time gone by...especially my time with the little girls.  Did I play "pet shop" with them enough?  Did we do enough art projects?  Bake enough cookies?  Paint toe nails often enough?  And my big kids...Have I played enough board games?  Listened well enough to what goes on in their days?  Been as excited about a Minecraft masterpiece as they have?  All these thoughts and worries became daunting.  They would haunt my dreams.  The fact of the matter is, I allowed Satan to be the ruler of my thoughts.

No Mother is perfect.  But I can say with utter confidence, there is no mother out there that could love my children with the depth, determination and utter devotion that I have for them.  Do not get me wrong, my children are not perfect, but I see them through God's eyes and they are perfect in his sight. 

So as I prepared 5 little, and some not-so-little, lunches Thursday night and ironed clothes, I prayed.  I prayed that God would bring Godly friends into their lives and that they would be good influences on one another.  I prayed for guidance and wisdom as the teachers had each been selected for my precious ones.  I wanted teachers that would enrich their lives as well as guide them into making good choices and helping them to become rich in character, knowing there would be so many changes and new responsibilities ahead.  I prayed that all the educators and staff would nurture, encourage, AND challenge them.  I prayed for Mike and many challenges AND opportunities lie ahead of us.  I pray(ed) for guidance that God will give us the words to lead our children toward Him and help us to live a lifestyle that is glorifying. At the end of that lengthy prayer, I was now feeling more confident that I could face tomorrow.

When Thursday morning arrived, the ache was still there as I took our first day of school pictures and set off to drop off my kiddos.  First my middle schoolers...them my big 3rd grader (who is still thrilled to have me walk him to class) and finally my little girls.  The good bye was not as difficult as I had expected it to be as they were so very excited to be there and see one of their most favorite people in the whole world, Mrs. vonOven! 

As the girls skipped inside their classroom I realized, the band aid had been ripped off.

It was done.  The hardest part was over...but I most certainly was not going to hang around to feel any of the lingering sting that was inevitable to follow.  So I blew two last kisses to two unknowing little girls, as they were already immersed in activity, and I left.

There were no tears, but many praises to God for all of his answered prayers. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Back In The Saddle!

So many things have happened in recent months!  Where have I been?  What in the world have I been doing other than not documenting these most precious moments in our lives?!  That is a very good that I wish so very desperately that I had an appropriate answer for.  I am hoping that as this school year winds down (only one week left), I will indeed have more time to devote to my journaling.  Scratch that.  I will devote more time to my journaling.

Because I've made no mistake letting it be known that there is never a dull moment in our home, I am just going to start filling in some of the blanks since my last post in February. (!!!!) 

Being that Victoria is now a 7th grader, they are required to participate in the science fair after coming up with an idea and constructing their own project.  Rather than proposing a question, conducting an experiment to try and prove/disprove a theory, Victoria decided she wanted to create her very own working waterwheel.  Whew.  Thankfully, Daddy loves these types of challenges and the two set to work.

 There was lots of sanding,
 and posing for a quick picture.
 Here is the final construction.  Now, to make sure it spins smoothly and on its own.
 It did spin, but very slowly at first.
 The two decided it needed more "buckets".
 After the buckets were added, final nails were in place and the paint was dry, we were ready.
Let the competition begin!
Um, I did mention that she was competing against 750 other students in our region?
After many hours of work and lots of trial and error the two reached their goal of successfully creating a working waterwheel!!  I must say it was pretty amazing.  Victoria brought home the first place ribbon in her category of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.  We are very hopeful to next year be able to build on this project and perhaps produce electricity???  Hey...determination is the key to all things!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Chaos is my new Normal!?!

"Did you get your run in today?"
It was a simple enough question and certainly was not meant to offend or cause any other type of negative feeling...let alone provoke a negative reaction.  However, at that particular moment in time, as I turned to face my inquisitive husband, I felt my face distort and my voice lower two octaves as I responded...
"No, I didn't get my run in."

My somewhat normal life has recently become anything but.  I am not quite sure when exactly it happened; actually, scratch that.  I definitely know when it happened.  We saved a pound puppy.  School started. Football season hit full force.  Vacation ended and life resumed.  Good gracious did it ever.
It all began with Charlie...our pound puppy.  After the very sad loss of our dearest Scrappy, we decided after Mike returned from deployment we would look for another pup.  Yes, we already have two pups and a lizard, but with a family our size, we have a lot of love to give.  Bless her heart she is the sweetest baby girl ever!  But of course, we need to get her fixed ASAP.  We proceeded with the surgery.  What should have been a relatively short recovery period has turned into weeks!  This little girl somehow, despite all efforts, cannot keep her stitches in.  It has been so stressful, sad and difficult to keep her calm, kenneled and away from our other pups.  Checking her boo boos has become a ritual.  Sigh...thankfully due to all the blood, sweat and tears put into her full recovery, I do believe we have just about conquered this one!

 Then came the much anticipated school year!  Although most of us tend to have pretty strong immune system, some type of something crept into our home.  Ethan has a mysterious sore throat that won't go away.  He's had it for over two weeks and no he doesn't have strep.  The doctor has put him on several medication to try and "trouble shoot" the problem.  Christian is having trouble with his hearing again.  We had tubes put in some years back and it seems the problem has returned.  Before we go down that long road, which is made longer with Tricare, we are trying a lengthy amount of medicines to see if anything will help.  The little girls have managed to come down with a cold that has manifested itself in their chest and has caused a cough that has been keeping them up at night for over a week.  I feel like I have newborns in the house again.  Addeline somehow managed to get pinkeye and Kaitlyn has an infection.  Oh, and we can't forget the sinus infections that both Mike and myself managed to obtain.  Among all the germs that seem to floating about, one Roy remains to be standing tall...Victoria!  Woot!  Woot!
Every where I look people are getting geared up for football.  Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love the sport!  What makes it even better, is the great sense of pride I feel watching my boys all geared up ready to do some juking and jiving out there on the field!  However, I would be I liar if I didn't admit to the mass chaos that occurs in my home Monday's, Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's.  Holy moly!  "Is your homework finished?  Are you dressed!  Don't forget your mouthpiece!  What about your water?  Your Dad's going to be here in 5 minutes!"  Mind you, my children are great about getting their things done, but sometimes time slips away from them...especially my little Christian.  He's just getting used to the routine,  as this is his FIRST year playing tackle football.  Oh, he looks so cute in all his gear!  I know...I know...I should say "tough".    

How I need a day where I'm not applying ointment, administering eye drops, distributing medications, checking stitches and shouting out reminders.  Thankfully, none of the above will last forever.

Oh yeah, is there really any wonder why on that particular day I didn't get my run in?
I was just grateful I had gotten dinner ready.
All joking aside...I am SO blessed!


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