Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Numbers, Naps, and Comfy Socks

There was a point in time, not so very long ago, when my focus was learning the lyrics to new songs, cheerleading, and boys.  Now-a-days I'm more concerned with cutting coupons, making lists, and watching my kiddos grow up.   What was once deciding on what to wear for my first day of school w has morphed into which pair of comfy socks would be the warmest.  Those are just a few noteworthy differences in being a teen and being an my 30's.

That's right, I'm officially in my mid-thirties.  According to one study, many people believe that youth ends at 35!  So now that I've turned 36 I'm old??  Good grief...that is 100% depressing.  I don't always feel young, but I definitely don't want a survey telling me how I should be feeling.  Regardless, 35 has revealed more about the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of life.

1.  Gone are the days I stay up late and just hang out.  These days I punch my time card at 9:00 and am usually asleep by 10:00.  More times than not I am indeed a party pooper.

2.  The mirror has now become my enemy.  Every. Single. Time I take a peek at myself another gray hair appears.  To make it worse...those said hairs seem to multiply throughout the day!

3.  Naps have now become a part of my life.  It's true.  Not very long ago I was a firm believer that by taking naps I was actually sleeping my life away.  It was the number one indicator that my age was creeping up and I was indeed slowing down.  The truth hurts.

4.  Now for the cruelest part of being in my 30's...the difficulty of losing weight and the unfortunate pull of gravity!!  Why did I think I would be exempt from these vicious changes?  I have absolutely no idea.  But as my daughter would say, the struggle is real.

5.  Turns out I'm really not going to live forever.  I don't think I ever actually believed I was never going to die, but I definitely remember feeling invincible to anything bad.  I was always going to be healthy...I could eat what I want...pass me another soda please.  Was I ever wrong.

However, there is some beauty to becoming older and wiser.

1.  Yes, I do go to bed much earlier, but I sure feel rested and happy to see my kiddos in the morning!  (coffee first, smiles second)  If I was constantly running on fumes, I would never appreciate all the cuddles, the hugs, and the love around me!  My heart is so full and I am confident it's because I am listening to my body now.

2.  Hmmm, as for the ever-changing reflection in the mirror.  I'm all for being natural, but there's something extra special and crazy exciting to be able to pamper myself at the hair salon routinely!  *Poof!  Gray's be gone*  Paying for it makes me cringe just a little, but being able to switch things up is pretty fun!

3.  Naps.  I was pleasantly surprised to read that a short, 20 minute nap would enhance alertness, concentration, and elevate your mood!  Boom!  What once felt like a complete waste of time have become my very best friend.  The very best times to rest are Sunday afternoons.  I do believe God makes those extra special since we are honoring his day of rest.

4.  The changes in my body are tough to swallow.  Which is originally why running was thrown into my mix..  It originated with wanting to burn calories, but has now taken on a life of its own.  I LOVE TO RUN!!!  Talk about a mid-life awakening!  The challenges, the discomfort, the sweat have all become things I love about it!  In fact, I'm running my first half in January and I am so stoked!!  Although it does not completely stop the gravitational pull, building muscle sure makes a difference.

5.  Statistics say that 1:1 person dies.  Depressing?  Possibly.  But knowing that, is what makes me run toward the healthy stuff.  I want to take care of myself so I can be here to watch everything that my children are going to accomplish.  I want to spend every day that I possibly can with my Mike.  I want to be physically ready for anything!  Of course I have a way to go, but I'm feeling pretty good about the journey!    So, gone are the days of ordering greasy, fried  mystery meat on a bun and hello to grilled chicken salads with the dressing on the side.  

My darling husband took me out to eat, just the two of us.

When we got home from out delicious dinner, I walked inside to be 
greeted/surprised/scared to death by some of my 
most favorite people for a surprise celebration!  
Apparently, while we were out eating dinner, my kiddos were at home 
putting up decorations, food on the table, and making everything look amazing!
I could. not. believe they were all able to pull this off without me having any idea.

After dabbling into the sport of running, I have now fallen in love.
When my husband brought out my cake he told me I was definitely now a "runner."
He will probably never know how much those words meant to me.
Nor will he ever really know how touched I was by his efforts to make this one of the 
most perfect birthdays I've ever had.

I am so happy to be 36 and I simply cannot wait to see what this new year holds!

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Very Unconventional Easter

After spending one of the most perfect days with my children and getting a PR on my latest 5k, we prepared to celebrate Easter.  We talked about the resurrection...colored our eggs...and even put out some vegetables for the bunny.  It took some time, but eventually everyone was tucked in tight.  To say I was exhausted would be an understatement.  I filled the baskets and decided I would set my alarm to wake up and hide the eggs.  The alarm blared at 4:30...dear me, where did my night go?!  Despite my best efforts to wake up, I just couldn't clear the cobwebs from my brain...and eyes!!!  I knew the kiddos would search the house to make sure the bunny had grabbed them, so I decided to stick them in the freezer until morning (just a few hours away).  Let me just say, this was just the beginning of what will be known as the most unconventional Easter ever.

Our church service was beautiful!  The message was clear...the proof of Christ's existence is everywhere and the his selfless sacrifice cannot be disputed, no matter the "scientific" proof.  When we got home, I had barely put the car in park before the children were making a mad dash to their baskets.  It was time to find their eggs.  Seeing them smile made me feel so happy, but I just couldn't ditch the emptiness I felt deep inside.  This was our 3rd Easter in a a row without Mike.  I suppose it's a good thing I didn't have a chance to dwell on that, because as soon as I looked up all 5 kiddos (even Victoria and Ethan) had baskets in hand.  They raced to find their 12.  Of course some found more which left others missing some which led to frustration.  Sigh...some things you've just got to roll with.  After all emotional "fires" were put out, it was time to move in for the obligatory family (minus 1) picture.

You would have thought I was asking for the world....Getting everyone to smile and look at the camera at the same time was nearly impossible.  Kaitlyn wouldn't stop fussing about her brother finding HER special egg.  Silly little quibbles are unavoidable, although still annoying.  The gnats were terrible and the humidity made it even worse.   So, you be the judge...

Christian knows the drill!  Um, why didn't anyone tell me my skirt looked that short?!  Yikes!

Really Ethan?

Kaitlyn...will you please stop fussing!?!

Come on Ethan we're almost there!

 And here it is, our "grin and bare it...ignore the gnats...tune out Kaitlyn" Easter picture.

Everyone grabbed their stuff and ran inside to peel their eggs and have lunch.  That would have been a great snack before our meal except that:
#1 Ethan had decorated 4 raw eggs.  I'm still not exactly sure how that happened as I had boiled 30.  There goes 4 in the trash.
#2 Every other egg had cracked and was soggy.  Yep, you read that right.  Think sponge.  Turns out my quick-thinking idea to put them in the freezer was really not very smart.  26 more eggs went into the trash.  So, so frustrating.  I suppose this is a perfect example of live and learn.

Then, I realized I had no idea what we were going to eat for our Easter meal.  There was no green bean casserole...not even dinner rolls.  Insert Mommy guilt.  After smiles, hugs, and encouraging words from my favorite 5, we decided that Chinese food was the way to go.  While feasting on some of our favorite foods we all watched Big Hero 6 together.

Although this was not the most traditional Easter, it will go down as one of the most entertaining.

By the end of the day, Kaitlyn was thankfully able to smile again.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Me and My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Attitude

I woke up December 5th already feeling defeated.  Thankfully I had slept for 6 hours and 15 minutes, according to my FitBit.  (I love that thing.) On the forefront of my mind was the simple fact that IF all of my "home remedies" had not naturally unclogged our toilet, I would have to...go in.  Seriously, this thing had been taunting me for a day and a half.  Gross, I know.  The unsightly truth is that SOMEONE had used the restroom AFTER I had announced that it was out of order.  So the mess went from bad to worse and I had gone from being bummed to mentally retching. 

That morning, the 5th, I was busy getting the kiddos ready for school and dealing with one impossible-to-please little girl.  By 8:26 I was sure this day hated me.

Although I felt like crawling back into bed and burying my head beneath the covers, I decided to do the opposite of what my body was begging for.  That is a simple lesson I've learned over the years to help battle the blues.  So... I hustled through my daily chores:  two loads of laundry, clean the kitchen, pick up and vacuum the living room.  It felt pretty good to complete those tasks in 2 short hours.  There was plenty more that could have been done, but I had to stop and run the errands I had putting off all week.

1.  Mail a package for Mike
2.  Get food for our lizard
3.  Head to the Kohl's and make some returns and exchanges.
4.  Finally, make my way to the commissary.

It's true, it took me 5 and a half hours, but it felt so good to check those things off my list.  The best part was knowing how happy my kiddos were going to be with the groceries;  that is probably one of their most favorite days.  It's funny how excited we get over food. 

I was almost home when I remembered the toilet.  Deep breath...pull up my big girl pants...drop $25 on an auger.  When I got home, Mike was on the computer.  What an awesome way to be greeted!!  Happiness can help a lot of things - including my ability to completely ignore the screaming child in the background.  One mean face and a "get to your room" had the problem temporarily solved.

After soaking in every detail of my husband's face, I decided it was time.

Just as I was heading to the room of death, my oldest son said, "I'll do it Mom."  I handed him the rubber gloves and the "new toy" and the boy did exactly what he said he would do.  He did it...problem solved.  When the water began to move, I do believe the heavens opened and I heard the angels singing.

What started as a 'terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day' attitude, ended in triumph.  I had completed every task I'd hoped to and my son had stepped up to help me out.  It's funny how God used this situation to teach me a lesson.

What a blessed day it was.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Life...Right Now.

Time and a season?
So that means that this chaos should pass, right?  Let's hope so, because what you are about to see is appearing to be my new normal.
After an adventure filled mini-vacation that encompassed (almost) everything about the holidays, THIS is what I am looking at this fine Tuesday afternoon.

The suitcases are still packed with dirty clothes.

Homework still has to be done.  No more, "we can finish this tomorrow."

All our Christmas decorations have been pulled down from the attic.
None of us want to decorate without our main man.

One would hope we would all work together to keep things neat and tidy.
Apparently the rules do not apply to bedrooms.

This family of mine has to eat.  I can only get away with "fin-for-yourself" 
nights for so long.

And so we push forward, attempting to get this beautiful life of chaos back under control.
Ha!  As if things are ever under control!
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

57 in a 35

Everything had started off so pleasantly.  Everyone had gotten up, dressed, and loaded in the car without a grouchy look being passed. nice.  We were actually going to be early and in this house being on time is amazing, but early?  Well, that is just almost unheard of.  So imagine our surprise when we were suddenly aware of blue lights flashing behind us.


First the gentleman giggles and hands me a coffee cup that had been left on my bumper from the day before.  (That's a good sign...he has a sense of humor.  I'm even okay that he's laughing at me, not with me.)  Then he proceeds to ask me where I'm headed.  Sheepishly I answered, "church."  As it turns out, not only was I the crazy the lady with the coffee cup, but apparently I was also attempting to take flight.

57 in a 35 mph zone. 

Thankfully, the kind officer helped me out and marked my ticket down.  Honestly, a warning would have been quite nice, BUT...well, it just would have been nice.  The moment did allow for a lesson in consequences of breaking the rules.  The little girls were amazed (and scared) that Mommy's weren't allowed to get away with things.  Christian asked about me going to court and disputing the ticket. "What exactly does that mean, Mom?"  Again, another teachable moment.  As much as it hurt my teeth to say, knowing my fine is going to be a hefty one, I had to admit to really breaking the rules and that I have to tell the truth because that is what is right.  That is what God tells us to do and His way is the right way.

"Can we tell people we're late because you got a speeders ticket, Mommy?"

Uh Mike, I may have forgotten to tell you about my little incident on Sunday.
But I love you!

Monday, January 13, 2014

It Took Me 13 Days To Realize.

As I headed out the door for church yesterday morning there were several things that came to my attention:

My leggings were a bit too snug around my waist. -Ugh
My black coat had dog hair on it. -Classy
My face, that is a bit dry from the cooler temperatures is going out in public "naked" as I could not     find my moisturizing concealer. -Lovely
After I did finally make it to church, late, I had to practically use one leg to keep the useless poop from falling out and littering the parking lot. -Beautiful
Really?  Really?  Yes, really.  It was truly a remarkable start to my morning.
This year, I somewhat turned up my nose at the idea of New Year resolutions.  They seem, to me, to all be nonsense.  After all, shouldn't we constantly be striving to better ourselves?  Shouldn't we always be setting new goals and refocusing ourselves year round?  And besides, aren't they usually all pretty much the same; lose weight, be more organized, manage my time better, exercise more.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I have just remedied the problems I was facing just yesterday.  Bless my heart.
I must confess that I am now feeling a tad foolish and a bit like the Grinch on Christmas morning after he realizes it's not the presents/ornaments/food that makes the season what it is, it's the meaning.  Ahhh, January 1st may be the most popular day of the year to set new goals, but it's not just about it being the New Year.  It's about creating a new beginning; it is the intent behind them...our hopes and, dare I be dramatic, our dreams.
Although I may sound as though I am poking fun, I am actually gaining more perspective.  There are some change and improvements that need to be made in my life.  I am afraid, I have veered off course and more often used the excuse, "I can either do ____ or I can do ____, but I simply cannot do everything."  Side Note:  I must be sure and thankfully add that I am usually saying those words to myself, as Mike is supportive in many things I do.  Even when it comes to me not cooking dinner for our family because I am busy baking dozens of goodies for our kiddos parties OR clipping 100's of coupons because I am going to save us SOOO much money!
So, here it is January 13th and I realize the tradition of the New Year resolutions may not be so bad after all.  The 1st is just a perfect date to push the "refresh" button and/or "reboot" entirely.  For me, here they are:
Run 6 races this year.  The distances are yet to be determined.  I have a great many hurdles to cross before that decision is made.
Get in better shape.  In the process of my love/hate relationship with running I'm afraid I have put on a few extra lbs.  It's about time to get over the relationship woes and shed the winter coat.
I need to manage my time better.  Honestly, I would rather not feel like taking a zanex every morning after getting home from taking my kiddos to school.  I'm quite sure the teachers are tired of hearing my tires screech as I come whipping around the corner with :32 seconds until the tardy bell rings.
Be more organized.  Actually though, there is a positive to add here.  When it comes to signed papers, lunches and homework...I do pretty well.  However, if you open the wrong cabinet or closet door, you are in for an ugly surprise.
And with that, here's to the next 352 days of the year!!!


Friday, September 7, 2012

A Near 9-1-1 Experience

It was an unusually peaceful afternoon.  

Ethan was at football practice.  Mike and Victoria were out on a date.  Christian was helping me put the finishing touches on dinner while the little ones were outside playing with the pups.  It felt so nice to have everyone where they were supposed to be...on time...happy.  I had even made a real dinner...unlike the most recent "what do I have in my pantry that can be thrown together in 15 minutes to fill these little tummies quickly" type of dinners.  Yep, feeling pretty good.  As I stepped outside to call in my little love bugs, I was struck by the emptiness of my backyard.  Huh.  The pups were still around, so I knew the gate was still locked up tight, but there was no sign of them.  I started walking around calling for my sometimes mischievous girls, my apprehension growing by the minute.  By now, you are well aware of the trouble these two can get themselves into.  Sure enough, as I turn toward the side of my house, I hear two little voices calling down to me.  Somehow they had figured out how to climb our big magnolia tree.  They looked like little monkeys!
I was so amused I just had to run inside and grab my camera.  However, after snapping a few pictures, I realized Kaitlyn was so high, she was equal to our second story bathroom window.  Then the realization of, "oh poo, they're pretty darn high."  Next came the daunting task of trying to figure out how in the world to get them down.  Never being much of a tree climber myself, I mentally flipped through all my possibilities.  
Should I call 911?  This is similar to having a cat stuck up a tree, right?  Should I call a I even have a neighbor willing to tackle this problem?  How long would it take for Mike to get home?

Thankfully, it was at that moment Mike decided to call home.  He reassured me that the tree was in fact strong enough to hold my weight and that I should get my rear up there and save our girls.  So, I swallowed my fear and began to climb.  Christian stood at the bottom of the tree and encouraged us, while we maneuvered our way to the bottom.  It took a little while, but we finally got it figured it out.
And to started out as a peaceful afternoon. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Chaos is my new Normal!?!

"Did you get your run in today?"
It was a simple enough question and certainly was not meant to offend or cause any other type of negative feeling...let alone provoke a negative reaction.  However, at that particular moment in time, as I turned to face my inquisitive husband, I felt my face distort and my voice lower two octaves as I responded...
"No, I didn't get my run in."

My somewhat normal life has recently become anything but.  I am not quite sure when exactly it happened; actually, scratch that.  I definitely know when it happened.  We saved a pound puppy.  School started. Football season hit full force.  Vacation ended and life resumed.  Good gracious did it ever.
It all began with Charlie...our pound puppy.  After the very sad loss of our dearest Scrappy, we decided after Mike returned from deployment we would look for another pup.  Yes, we already have two pups and a lizard, but with a family our size, we have a lot of love to give.  Bless her heart she is the sweetest baby girl ever!  But of course, we need to get her fixed ASAP.  We proceeded with the surgery.  What should have been a relatively short recovery period has turned into weeks!  This little girl somehow, despite all efforts, cannot keep her stitches in.  It has been so stressful, sad and difficult to keep her calm, kenneled and away from our other pups.  Checking her boo boos has become a ritual.  Sigh...thankfully due to all the blood, sweat and tears put into her full recovery, I do believe we have just about conquered this one!

 Then came the much anticipated school year!  Although most of us tend to have pretty strong immune system, some type of something crept into our home.  Ethan has a mysterious sore throat that won't go away.  He's had it for over two weeks and no he doesn't have strep.  The doctor has put him on several medication to try and "trouble shoot" the problem.  Christian is having trouble with his hearing again.  We had tubes put in some years back and it seems the problem has returned.  Before we go down that long road, which is made longer with Tricare, we are trying a lengthy amount of medicines to see if anything will help.  The little girls have managed to come down with a cold that has manifested itself in their chest and has caused a cough that has been keeping them up at night for over a week.  I feel like I have newborns in the house again.  Addeline somehow managed to get pinkeye and Kaitlyn has an infection.  Oh, and we can't forget the sinus infections that both Mike and myself managed to obtain.  Among all the germs that seem to floating about, one Roy remains to be standing tall...Victoria!  Woot!  Woot!
Every where I look people are getting geared up for football.  Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love the sport!  What makes it even better, is the great sense of pride I feel watching my boys all geared up ready to do some juking and jiving out there on the field!  However, I would be I liar if I didn't admit to the mass chaos that occurs in my home Monday's, Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's.  Holy moly!  "Is your homework finished?  Are you dressed!  Don't forget your mouthpiece!  What about your water?  Your Dad's going to be here in 5 minutes!"  Mind you, my children are great about getting their things done, but sometimes time slips away from them...especially my little Christian.  He's just getting used to the routine,  as this is his FIRST year playing tackle football.  Oh, he looks so cute in all his gear!  I know...I know...I should say "tough".    

How I need a day where I'm not applying ointment, administering eye drops, distributing medications, checking stitches and shouting out reminders.  Thankfully, none of the above will last forever.

Oh yeah, is there really any wonder why on that particular day I didn't get my run in?
I was just grateful I had gotten dinner ready.
All joking aside...I am SO blessed!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh, to be a fly on my wall.

My rice is boiling over...turn down the heat.
My son is loudly emptying the dishwasher. 
Someone is at the door. 
"Ethan!  Could you answer the door please!" I shout.
My daughter is tooting her clarinet to the tune of When The Saints Go Marching In only feet away from me.
"Ethan!  PLEASE, get the door!" I shout again.
My dog is barking ferociously at a passerby.
"Scrappy, go to your room!" I'm...still...shou-ting.
The little girls are tumbling in the living room.
"Mommy, watch me!  Watch me!"
I am in the middle of a versus the Miracle Whip.
The Miracle Whip won; splattering mayonnaise everywhere.
Oooh, my meat is about to burn...quick, quick, quick!!

Oh to be a fly on my wall....

Monday, October 10, 2011

An Epiphany.

Maybe I'm on top of things this year, or maybe it's by sheer luck that I've had some extra time...but I actually have had a few extra moments to start getting my annual Christmas letter together.  Normally, I'm working on it up until the very last second.  Come to think of it,  I'm pretty sure they've even gotten out late a time or two.  Huh....  Tardiness is a whole other blog topic for me though.  Anyhow, so I'm getting my thoughts together; going through pictures figuring out the events of the year and it dawned on me....  We have gone on lots of adventures that I have not even written about!  Perish the thought!  I've actually let wonderful things pass me by and not...even...captured...them in writing!?!  This, right here, is my virtual scrapbook!  So, to not have written about it may as well be the equivalent of it not even happening.  Okay, perhaps I'm being a tad over dramatic.  However, that was my epiphany of the day...I must do better about documenting our lives; especially if I want to look back over time and relive these memories.

Friday, October 7, 2011

All In A Days Work.

Addeline dumped my potting soil then smacked her brother on the head with my metal trowel.  Ethan close lined his brother in the front yard knocking him flat on his back.  My best friend rescued my youngest daughter only moments before she rode her "horsey" into the road.  My oldest daughter hid in a suitcase for so long the kiddos were marching around the house shouting "We give up!  Come out!" for what seemed like ages.

I realize how strange...perhaps unsafe this all sounds.  I agree.  I hesitate to say it, but moments like these could happen to me at any given time on any given day.  However, they usually don't happen all on the SAME day...within the SAME half hour of one another.

I am here to confess...situations like these are all in a days work in our household. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pure Cuteness

 After a tiny rest in Mommy's bed, Miss Addie Pie thought she needed a little make up.
 Everything you see here was Addeline's first!
 I came downstairs one morning to find these three baskets in the kitchen floor...
 only to discover they were carefully orchestrated to enable two little girls to get on the counter and sneak into the candy jar!  After I snapped a picture I told them how dangerous it was to climb.  However, you have to admit, the whole idea was pretty genius!
Who's been sneaking my pumpkin bread?!  
Even though you can only see one hand, there were two conspirators!

From the fullness of God's grace we have all
received one blessing after another.
John 1:16

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm So In Love...

I love the smell of apple cinnamon candles.

I love the feel of clean sheets on my legs.

I love watching my children play with Mike. The looks on their faces...ALL of their faces...are priceless.

I love watching those "light bulb moments" when my children get what I am trying to teach them.

I love being alone in my car and turning my music up way too loud!

I love the hazelnut coffee from Dunkin's my guilty pleasure.

I love waking up to a clean kitchen. Even if I'm the one who cleaned it the night before. Although, it's even better when someone else cleans it. : )

I love watching my children play in the backyard. The games my boys come up with are so clever! The creations my girls come up with are genius! I am so blessed.

I love to cook! I may not be one of those people who can come up with their own recipes, but I sure can follow directions!

I love spending the afternoon with a dear friend. I think good friends are hard to find and best friends are nearly impossible. So once you find one...thank God for them daily.

I love to garden. I'm not very fond of the dirt underneath my fingernails, but the beautiful flowers and vegetables that come from all the dirty work make it worth it. '

I love Saturdays when there's absolutely nothing on my to-do list! Obviously I can think of things to do, but it's so much fun to come up with things I want to do rather than things I have to do.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's That Time Again!

Spring Cleaning time!!!!   Yep, time to get rid of all those dust bunnies, wash those windows and wipe down those base boards.  Since it was rainy yesterday and we couldn't go outside to "spring clean" my car, I decided to go ahead and get started on the house.  True confessions...I would rather deep clean my house than perform the normal pick up.  I don't know if it's because deep cleaning happens less often or just because I love the smell of a freshly cleaned home.  Either way, I got up and got busy!  By the time Mike got home I had done 5 loads of laundry (that's what happens when I take a few days off), windows washed, fans cleaned, floors vacuumed, downstairs dusted, kitchen scrubbed and dinner on the table.  I have to admit I felt great!  The house smelled good, it no longer had that "lived in look" (only temporarily, I might add) and I had made a fantastic dinner!  It was just one of those GREAT days that leave you with a sense of accomplishment.

What was the secret to my success?  I must confess I had hoped it was my pure determination that helped me get through the day, but sadly, I think it may have been my 6 cups of coffee and 5 hour energy drink.  Whatever it takes, I suppose : )

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ready...Set...POTTY TIME!!!

No! Please! Not yet! Don't get me wrong, I'm ready for the girls to wear panties, but I've potty trained 3 singletons already. No, it's not necessarily hard, but it definitely takes discipline and a lot of time and patience. The potty to the left is the exact potty that we purchased for our little ones. Addeline has even started using it...on her own. She gets a funny look on her face and says "peepee" then runs to the potty and produces a surprise for us. There is true pandemonium when she shows us because we are so proud! Kaitlyn on the other hand could care less. She just wants to sit on it. Therefore sometimes we will have a full out UFC fight going on in our living room because Addie really wants to use it but Kaitlyn thinks she looks really good on it. She does look pretty cute...they both do actually. So we've decided two things #1 we need to get another potty and #2 I'm going to work with them one at a time. Since Addeline seems ready I'll start with her. If there's anything I've learned over time, it's that if they're not ready pushing the issue only leaves a frustrated parent.

To look past all the hard work, it will be super cute to see their tiny rear ends in panties AND to not have to buy diapers anymore. Boy those things are expensive! So here we go...please keep us in your prayers...who knows how many times our plans will change before we find something that works, but that's okay. Those little ones have captured out heart...the exact same way the other three did. I heart those kids. xoxox

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Royfam7's East Coast Roadshow

Well guys, the roadshow is now officially in full effect. It started Friday when we took this show on the road and made our first stop in Charleston, South Carolina. I suppose it is noteworthy for you to know that our final destination is Meredith, New Hampshire. Anyhow, we had to stop in S.C. to drop off our precious Scrappy with my parents and so that Victoria and me could get our hair done. I know it doesn't sound important to most, but it had been like 10 months people!!! We were just about to emergency status! Anyhow, we relaxed the rest of the day because
Saturday was a big one for us. We had to be up and on the road at 5:30am. Thankfully I have a very punctual husband and yes we made it out the door on time and into Williamsburg, Virginia around 2pm. We checked into our hotel room and allowed the babies to take a nap while the big kids went swimming with Mike. It would be at this point that I need to mention that my husband did a fantastic job of orchestrating this entire trip...right down to his flexibility! I'm so proud of him! Of course things can't stay flawless and we did hit some snags in the road, but it
wasn't a big deal. We decided to treat ourselves to a ridiculously nice dinner and hit the sack early. first indication of foreseeable troubles came when Mike walked in from running only to find all 6 of us still snuggled up in the beds. (uh oh...his look said it all) I hopped up and got busy. For no other reason than we had a plan and I deviated. We were wanting to be
out the door and at the live museum by 9 and it was already after way was that happening. Thankfully, it took me no time to get everyone up and moving. Problem #2 my children had more than made themselves at home even with the few items they had brought. It was a tad crazy getting them moving in the right direction while maintaining the right attitude. Finally we decided it would be best if the biggest kids went and ate breakfast with Mike while I finished getting dressed and took care of the last minute things. That would have worked out perfectly EXCEPT they stopped serving breakfast at 9am. Seriously? Who does that? So, all my kids ate dry cereal for breakfast...some were thankful and some were not. Guess which were which. Finally we made it to the live museum. I should also mention that I have wanted to take my children here even before I had children! To learn about history through "living" it...really cool! Anyhow, so we make it and then find out that there's a military promotion going on so we all get in totally free (yippee!!) Then Problem #3 hits with full force. As soon as two certain precious little bottoms are placed in their strollers they go berzerkers! Thankfully Mike and I are both accustomed to dealing with temper tantrums and we both know there are expiration dates on everything...even temper tantrums. So we just ignored the babies and smiles at those that gawked at us as we walked by and eventually they stopped.

Of course, knowing all of this still didn't leave us feeling any less trapped.

It's a good thing we had such wonderful young men and women to brighten our day!

And this little lady sure was good with a weapon.

I think together they make something like the 3 Musketeers or maybe even the Incredibles...because they are incredible!


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